2025 Monthly Presentations

Note:  Monthly Presentations on the day and time listed below may be in-person or by Zoom, depending on the presenter’s location or schedule.
Send an email to cvpsphotos@gmail.com to get the link for any Zoom presentation. Unless otherwise specified, all presentations will be Wednesday evenings in person at Hines Hill Conference Center

Date Speaker Topic
Wednesday January 15, 2025
7:00 by Zoom
Rad Drew

iPhone Photography

Everyone has a mobile phone camera today, but not everyone knows how to take advantage of its full power and potential. Join professional photographer, Rad A. Drew, as he shows how to get the most from your mobile phone’s camera! Rad will demonstrate how you can make beautiful portraits of people and pets, stunning panoramas, and compelling long exposures of waterfalls and streams, and more. Whether you’ve been using a “big” camera for years, or are completely new to photography, you’ll learn surprising ways to create with the camera that’s always with you — your iPhone!

Note to Android Photographers: Rad will demonstrate the use of the iPhone’s native camera using the iPhone 16 Pro Max. Many iPhone features can be found on Android phones, but not all.

Teacher, photographer, and tour leader, Rad A. Drew, creates with the iPhone, mirrorless, and infrared cameras. He frequently contributes to PSA Journal and has exhibited his work in galleries around the world. Rad is an associate editor for PhotoPXL.com and TheAppWhisperer, contributes to The Art of iPhone Photography: Creating Great Photos and Art on Your iPhone, serves as an affiliate representative for Topaz Labs, Flypaper Textures, DxO, and Luminar, and is the creator of the popular webinar series, How I Did It!™.

For more information:

LinkTree (https://linktr.ee/RadDrew) for links to all Rad’s resources including his YouTube Channel and video tutorials.

Website (https://raddrewphotography.com)

Newsletter (http://bit.ly/2QMmCYa_RAD_News).

February 19, 2025
7:00 p.m. in person at Hines HIll Conference Center
Member Show & Critique

Member Show & Critique

 Members of the Cuyahoga Valley Photo Society are invited to submit up to three images to be critiqued by expert photographers for an in-person members’ show.  There are no restrictions on the date or location of the photographs.  Please email your images to cvpsmemberphotos@gmail.com by Wednesday February 12th, 11:59 pm to be included in the critique on February 19th.  To view the requirements for images submitted, visit the Photo Society’s gallery web page.

 March 19, 2024, 7:00 p.m. at Hines HIll Conference Center Steve Michalec

Improving Your Bird Photography

Join us on March 19th to hear what a well-traveled and experienced bird photographer will share about gear, settings and techniques, lighting, and conditions, as well as birding locations you may wish to visit.  The images he will share are sure to inspire you.

 Steve Michalec is an Akron, OH based photographer who specializes in birds and other wildlife.  Steve began his photographic journey in middle school when he purchased a Canon 35mm SLR along with a few lenses, but did not start photographing birds seriously until decades later.  Since then, he has dedicated countless hours to photographing birds both locally and in other states and countries, and has been working hard to continue to improve as an artist.

 To learn more about Steve’s work, see @smichalec on Instagram

April 16, 2025 7:00 p.m. in person at Hines HIll Conference Center Debbie DiCarlo

Photographing the Lofoten Islands

The Beauty & The Challenges

Located 150 miles above the Arctic Circle, the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway are a chain of islands known for dramatic landscapes, towering mountains rising directly from the sea, idyllic fishing villages, white sandy beaches and deep fjords. Debbie’s presentation will take you on a visual and verbal tour of the remote, rugged beauty that has become a photographer’s dream destination.  Additionally, she will share how she met the challenges of shooting in this unique and magical environment. 

A Kodak Instamatic X-15 film camera started Debbie’s photographic journey at an early age, followed by a Minolta X-700 film camera.  Her first digital camera was a Canon 40D and with it came a zest for macro, night sky, wildlife and landscape. Her passion for photography runs deep and she equally enjoys being out in the natural world and in the digital darkroom.

The Howling Lesson may be what Debbie is best known for.  The iconic photo of an adult coyote and two pups that went viral in 2013 and has been sold around the world plus exhibited and published dozens of times. Also in 2013, her photo of a Northeastern Ohio waterfall was the top winner in Popular Photography Magazine’s Annual Reader Photo Contest. 

Debbie founded Focus on Photography Tours/Workshops in 2017 and loves sharing beautiful locations and photography knowledge with attendees

For more information:
Instagram: Debbie.dicarlo.photography

May 21, 2025 7:00 p.m.
in person at Hines HIll Conference Center
Jim McCormac

 Botanical Photography

Jim McCormac writes: “Plants are all around us, and thus provide constant camera fodder. On its floriferous face, botanical photography would seem easy. The subjects don’t move, at least much, and we often know right where to go to find our quarry. But as befits a huge subject, plant photography can range from dime-sized subjects to epic landscapes and casting them in their best light can be tricky. Becoming one with the subject is important and this often means going prostrate. Wide-angle aspects can be great – he often uses a 16-35mm lens for big picture perspectives – but a macro lens is often essential.”

 He will share examples of essential interactions between flora and fauna. He will also offer some tips on using ever-improving camera technology to make life easier for the plant photographer.

 Jim worked for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for 31 years as a botanist, and later specializing in wildlife diversity projects, especially involving birds. He has authored or coauthored six books. Jim writes a column, Nature, for the Columbus Dispatch, and regularly publishes a natural history blog. He has written numerous articles in a variety of publications and has delivered hundreds of presentations throughout the eastern United States.

See Jim’s website: https://www.jimmccormac.com

Visit his blog: http://jimmccormac.blogspot.com/


June 18 2025 7:00 p.m. in person at Hines HIll Conference Center Meteorologist Ross Ellet

 Using Weather to Forecast the Best Photo Ops

Dramatic weather creates dramatic photographs noted our June presenter, Ross Ellett. Understanding how the weather will change ahead of time gives photographers the time to plan, adapt, and eventually capture the perfect shot. The type of clouds in the sky in the early evening can tell you how vibrant the coming sunset will be. You will learn about predicting the photogenic sunsets before they occur, lightning photography, and space weather and how it works, Finally Ross will focus on the unique photographic opportunities that Lake Erie provides when the weather turns cooler. From waterspouts, to freezing spray, to lake-effect snow, he will cover the many photo ops that will await in the days and seasons ahead.

 Ross grew up northeast Indiana where he experienced lake-effect snow, blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, and heat waves. The extreme weather sparked his deep passion for Meteorology which led him to a degree in Meteorology from Purdue University. Ross’s broadcast career started in 2005 in Indiana followed by a move to southern West Virginia. The next chapter of Ross's career took him right into tornado alley working in Arkansas.  Just two months after he arrived, a catastrophic ice storm coated the Ozark Mountains. The spring season often brought flooding and violent tornadoes. During the hot summer of 2012, Ross joined Toledo’s 13abc weather team as a weekend meteorologist and weather reporter where he continues to keep area residents updated on the weather.

 To learn more about Ross’s “picturesque adventures”:  www.rossellet.com 

July 16 2025, 7:00 p.m.  in person at Hines HIll Conference Center Speaker and program TBD  
August 20, 2025 7:00 p.m. in person at Hines Hill Conferene Center Speaker and program TBD


September 17, 2025 in person at Hines Hill Conferene Center Speaker and program TBD
October 15 2025 in person at Hines Hill Conference Center Speaker and program TBD  
November 19, 2025 in person at Hines Hill Conference Center
2025 Contest awards 2025 Contest awards

Awards will be presented on Wednesday, November 19, 2025, live at Hines Hill Conference Center. The slideshow of all the entries will start about 6:45 and the Awards Program will begin at 7:00 p.m. We hope all CVPS members will participate in the contest and attend to see the presentation and discussion of the winning images. See the Photo Contest tab above for submission details.

December 10, 2025   Holiday Party
    Program Committee:
Kris Brown - kwbrown@neo.rr.com
Bob Davis - davisrcmj@msn.com
Randy Dunn - pdbr75@gmail.com
Jean Krusinski -
Bindiganavale Vijayaraman (Vijay) -

If you have ideas for future programs, please pass them on to one of the committee members.