2024 Monthly Presentations

Note:  Monthly Presentations on the day and time listed below may be in-person or by Zoom, depending on the presenter’s location or schedule.
Send an email to cvpsphotos@gmail.com to get the link for any Zoom presentation.

Date Speaker Topic
January  17, 2024 7:00 p.m. in person at Happy Days Chris Coffey

Abstracts found along the way
Award-winning fine art photographer Chris Coffey will share his abstract images at the Photo Society’s first presentation of the new year.

Chris recognized a seismic change occurred in his work in 2000. Instead of concentrating on single images, he changed his approach. Sifting through more than 30 years of work, he identified a previously hidden body of abstract images—different in subject and some a departure in palette from his normal work.

A museum director responded favorably to the new work and so began the journey of his project, Extracts: Found by Walking. 

“It has been said that it is not possible to make abstract photographs, nature having already made every pattern possible,” Chris says. “[W]here we stand, how we place the subject in the viewfinder, and the emotions assigned in the exposure and printing reveal endless possibilities even if we are just extracting from the visible.”

Chris’ work is included in numerous public and private collections. He lectures in the National Parks and was the artist in residence at the Grand Canyon North Rim. He serves as juror for several nationally recognized art festivals. He is a founding instructor of the Appalachian Center for Photography’s Black and White in the Blue Ridge. Chris lives in Akron, grows beets, and makes prints in a traditional darkroom.

For more about Chris, go to https://www.chriscoffey.com/

February 21, 2024
7:00 p.m. in person at Happy Days
Members Show & Critique

Member Show & Critique

 Members of the Cuyahoga Valley Photo Society are invited to submit up to three images to be critiqued by expert photographers for an in-person members’ show.  There are no restrictions on the date or location of the photographs.  Please email your images to cvpsmemberphotos@gmail.com by Wednesday February 14th, 11:59 pm to be included in the critique on February 21st.  To view the requirements for images submitted, visit the Photo Society’s gallery web page.

 March 20, 2024, 7:00 p.m. by Zoom Sarah Marino

Beyond the Grand Landscape: Photographing Nature's Smaller Scenes

In this presentation, Sarah will talk about how to see beyond the grand scenes to expand your photographic opportunities, improve your observation skills, work with any kind of light, and bring diversity to your photo portfolio. She will share many examples, plus a few in-depth case studies, of intimate landscapes, abstract renditions of natural subjects, and portraits of plants and trees to inspire you to seek out small scenes next time you are outside with your camera. With a mix of inspiration and practical advice, Sarah will help you see the landscape in a new way with an eye toward slowing down, embracing experimentation, connecting more deeply with nature, and sharing more personal interpretations of the places you visit.

 Sarah Marino is a nature photographer, photography educator, and writer based in southwestern Colorado. In addition to photographing grand landscapes, she is a highly regarded photography teacher, focusing on personal expression, seeing opportunities in any landscape, photographing nature’s small scenes, and a slow style of photography focused on exploration and connecting with nature.  Sarah is best known for her photographs of a diverse range of smaller subjects including intimate landscapes, abstract renditions of natural subjects, and creative portraits of plants and trees.

 Learn more about Sarah and her work:

Website: https://smallscenes.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahmarinophoto/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SarahMarinoPhoto


April 17, 2024 7:00 p.m. in person at Happy Days Jerry Jelinek

Trumpeter Swans in Cuyahoga Valley National Park 

CVPS Member, Jerry Jelinek, will center his presentation on the history of Trumpeter Swans in Ohio with emphasis on the Trumpeter Swan nesting season of 2023 in the CVNP – including still and video documentation.


May 15, 2024 7:00 p.m.
by Zoom
Stephanie Johnson

The Art and Beauty of Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) Photography

In her presentation, Stephanie will share her passion for ICM and talk about her journey from traditional landscape photographer to focusing primarily on ICM photography.  She has a deep love and joy for the individually expressive nature of ICM and encourages photographers to ‘see things differently’ through the lens of their cameras, as well as through the lens of their inner creative selves. 

 She will cover basic and advanced principles and techniques of ICM, along with sample images to show the effects of various camera movements and the camera settings for each. Some time will be dedicated to mobile ICMS for the growing trend towards creating with mobile devices.  

 Stephanie is a self-taught creative photographer, who is primarily focused on ICM and creative photography techniques as a form of artistic expression. She has honed her skill and evolved her artistry by getting out to ‘do the work’ as often as possible. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and is the Founder, Creator, and Publisher of ICM Photography Magazine (ICMPhotoMag), a first-of-its-kind e-magazine dedicated solely to featuring ICM photography. 

 Stephanie also leads on-location ICM workshops in the US and the UK in collaboration with various creative photographers and as an instructor for Santa Fe Workshops where she leads ICM workshops online and on-location.

 For more about Stephanie:




June 19 2024, 7:00 p.m. Jerry Dodrill

From Monitor to Print

Award-winning photographer and naturalist Jerry Dodrill will discuss printing at home versus sending out to a printing service, how to create test prints and proofs, and will demonstrate how he prepares files for output and printing.  He will share his strategies for processing and printing as well as compare the pros and cons of different printing papers and devices with examples of photogenic, inkjet and metal prints.


Jerry's work has been featured in ad campaigns, books, and publications.  He is dedicated to helping protect our planet and works with conservation organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, Sonoma Land Trust, the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, and the Access Fund.



Learn more about Jerry and his work at his website.

July 17 2024, 7:00 p.m.  in person at Happy Days PechaKucha PechaKucha Night Returns 

 Join us as CVPS members use a 20-by-20 format (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide) to share multiple, fast-paced, themed portfolios.

August 22, 2024 7:00 p.m. in person at Hines Hill Conferene Center Member Show & Critique

 Member Show & Critique

Members of the Cuyahoga Valley Photo Society are invited to submit up to three images to be critiqued by expert photographers for a members show. There is no restriction on the date or location of the photographs.  Please email your images to cvpsmemberphotos@gmail.com by Thursday August 15th, 11:59 pm to be included in the critique on August 22nd.  To view the requirements for images submitted, visit the Photo Society’s gallery web page.

Thursday September 19, 2024

Andrew Richardson

Thursday evening, Sept. 19th

Evening Light Painting Experience

Instructional lecture – Green Public Library

Shooting after lecture – Nimisila Reservoir

Our September 19th meeting will provide an on-location opportunity to experience light painting after sunset.  Members and guests will gather at the Green Public Library for an instructional lecture by Andrew.  Following the lecture, we will drive a short distance to Nimisila Reservoir for shooting.

 If you are looking to try a new and different genre of photography, light painting might be just the thing you are looking for! Light painting “magically” creates images by capturing a moving light source during a long exposure of a dark scene. Come learn the basics of light painting, including the equipment, tools, and techniques involved in creating this unique type of photo. The program will include live demonstrations and the ability to try the process. Once you know the basics, you will be well on your way to creating your own light painting photos. Light painting knows no limits – your innovation and creativity can run wild to create images never seen before!

Details of exact times, location addresses, and equipment to bring will be sent prior to September 19th in an email from CVPS and on Facebook.
October 9, 2024 in person at Hines Hill Conference Center, 7:00 p.m.

Photo walk Oct 12

Critique Oct 16, 7:00 p.m. at Hines Hill
Bob Davis

Waterfall Photography                    

CVPS member, Bob Davis, will share his extensive experience with waterfall photography and creating panoramic images of moving water.  Bob has been photographing waterfalls for several years throughout Ohio and neighboring states, and anywhere he can find them while traveling further afield.  He is also a moderator of and frequent contributor to the Ohio Waterfalls Facebook page - the largest Facebook group in the United States devoted exclusively to waterfalls, with over 200,000 members.

 NOTE: Bob’s presentation on October 9th is at Hines Hill Conference Center at 7:00 p.m., with a follow-up photo walk Saturday, October 12th at a waterfall site and time to be determined, and a photo review on October 16th at Hines Hill Conference Center at 7:00 p.m.. 

November 20, 2024 2024 Contest awards 2024 Contest awards

Awards will be presented on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, live at Happy Days Lodge. The slideshow of all the entries will start about 6:45 and the Awards Program will begin at 7:00 p.m. We hope all CVPS members will participate in the contest and attend to see the presentation and discussion of the winning images. See the Photo Contest tab above for submission details.

December 11, 2024   Holiday Party
    Program Committee:
Steve Ash - ash@uakron.edu
Kris Brown - kwbrown@neo.rr.com
Bob Davis - davisrcmj@msn.com
Jean Krusinski -
Jeneen Rieser - Jeneenrieser@gmail.com
Bindiganavale Vijayaraman (Vijay) - bsv@uakron.edu

If you have ideas for future programs, please pass them on to one of the committee members.